Living A Full And Productive Life At Every Age

4 Minute Read

National Ageism Awareness Day reminds us to respect and encourage contributions of older Australians for wellbeing & community strength.

2023-10-04 Living A Full And Productive Life At Every Age - Blog-min
© Danielle Robertson Consulting Pty Ltd t/as DR Care Solutions

Saturday 7 October is National Ageism Awareness Day[1].

Seeing the hurt in people’s eyes

Awareness raising on ageism in Australia is being led by Robert Tickner AO, a former ALP Cabinet Minister now volunteer social campaigner and Chair of the not-for-profit EveryAGE Counts[2].

As a Federal Minister of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs in the 1990s, Mr Tickner, in his own words “has seen the impact of discrimination and the hurt in people’s eyes”[2].

While it is now socially unacceptable (and unlawful) to discriminate on the basis of race and disability, there are what he calls “deeply entrenched social norms”[3] in Australia that stereotype, discriminate and mistreat people on the basis of their age.

Perpetuating ageism norms

Most of us have perpetuated these norms[4]:

  • Most commonly through a birthday card message making a joke of ageing.

  • Using patronising language by calling an older person “dear”, “love” or “sweetie”.

  • Addressing the person accompanying the older person rather than speaking to the older person themselves.

  • Dismissing an older person’s concerns, cutting them short and wrapping up a conversation with “you’re just old and grumpy” or “you’re having a senior moment”.

Incredibly almost 30% of Australian employers[5] maintain workplace policies encouraging managers not to employ people over 50 - despite the fact it is illegal to discriminate on the basis of age!

Stop and correct your behaviour

On Ageism Awareness Day let’s stop and consider how we may be quietly eroding an older person’s self-esteem and self-respect through our actions, and stop those actions.

Pause to reflect on the academic achievements of Italy’s oldest master’s degree graduate Giuseppe Paterno[6] who is 98 years of age and now writing his first novel.

Or the physical achievements of Japan’s Takishima Mika[7] who at 92 years of age is a physical fitness trainer inspiring all age groups to take up fitness.

Strengthening Australia

The contributions senior Australians make to a community and workplace are invaluable.

At DR Care Solutions, we’ve just been assisting a client who recently retired from a senior role in one of the big four banks at age 80. His retirement came about as a result of a life-limiting illness, not due to ageism.

It’s great that an Australian listed company sees the benefits of engaging older Australians - for society, the younger generation and providing purpose to the older individual.

Everyone is entitled to a full and productive life at any age. As Mr Tickner points out, living such a life can only strengthen our community and bring intergeneration solidarity on tackling the bigger issues impacting our society.



Need help caring for a loved one? Please feel free to call me, Danielle Robertson, at any time for an initial discussion on how to set up the right care, support and assistance at the right time and in the right place.
- Contact Danielle - For An Impartial & Confidential Conversation



[1] The Benevolent Society: EveryAGE Counts
[2] EveryAGE Counts: Robert Tickner Presentation to NARI
[3] Test yourself by completing the EveryAGE Counts Quiz
[4] The Benevolent Society: The Drivers of Ageism Summary Report
[5] Reuters: Italy's Oldest Student Graduates Again Aged 98
[6] DR Care Solutions: Be Inspired By Japan's 91 Year Old Fitness Instructor



Danielle Robertson

Danielle Robertson

Working with you and your support network to get the right care outcomes for you and your loved ones. Danielle Robertson is founder and CEO of DR Care Solutions, offering aged care and disability care concierge services and expertise on how to set up the right care, support and assistance for your loved one, at the right time and in the right place. Danielle's experience in the Australian care sector spans over three and a half decades. Now that's a lot of experience, wisdom and networks!